Friday, March 29, 2013

Old man vs young boy

As my 2 year old cellular telephone sputters out its last electronic breaths, I'm left with the decision of whether or not it is time to 'get with it' and upgrade to a 'smart phone.'  For reasons unbeknownst to me I have been curmudgeonly opposed to the idea for months on end.  I usually say things like, "I have a computer at my house god damnit, why do I need one in my pocket?"  "My phone is for talking on the phone, not for using the internet!"  "I don't want to pay another fifty dollars a month!"  The old man in me is fairly insistent that things are just fine the way they are and newfangled technology is moot and wasteful.

However, there is the young boy in me as well.  The young boy who thrives on Nintendo and anything new and gizmoish.  My young boy never cares about how much things cost, thats for the old man in me to pay for.  "Look at all the games this thing has, and a really nice camera too!"  "I'll know the answer to any given trivia question always and forever!"

I'm interested to see who comes out on top of this one.

And to be honest, I'm rooting for the young boy.

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