Wednesday, April 3, 2013

R-E-S-P-O-N-S-E!!! Ribadu's Boko Haram Amnesty.

Photo: R-E-S-P-O-N-S-E!!!
Ribadu's Boko Haram Amnesty.

**So, if Nigerians had given Ribadiu the key to Aso Rock, he would have granted amnesty to bandits?
** Igbos may be tolerant but the North and their reluctant leaders must reckon that it might be too late for them to act.

Folks, grant me this indulgence to make some remarks on the person of Nuhu Ribadiu. From a distance, I adore and admire Nuhu without coming to terms with the quality of his morality, values and depth of patriotism. 
Did Ribadiu mean amnesty should be granted to Boko Haram sect members? I was not expecting his remarks on the dastardly killing of 60 Nigerians whom he sought their votes in the last election to become their President and commander in Chief to be that of pardoning their killers and giving them amnesty. 
Is that what your present engagement in Afghanistan entails, giving amnesty to Afghans killing Afghans? Outrageous! So, if Nigerians had given Ribadiu the key to Aso Rock, he would have granted amnesty to bandits by whatever guise in other to achieve unrealistic political gains. As a seasoned police officer, such utterance is a sabotage against Nigeria and the republic for which she stands. 
The Igbos are on the elimination target of these criminal and terrorists and of course, other Northern interests. If not, why would a police officer with the training, calibre and exposure of Nuhu Ribadiu commit such a blunder? As a trained officer in the act of strategic warfare, I consider Ribadiu's counsel to the Presidency as an invitation to surrender the authority of the entire security apparatus of Nigeria to the perceived superior fire force and assault of Boko Haram against Nigerians. I expected Ribadiu to demand for the review of the operational logistics of the security services involved in containing the activities of these terrorists. He should have been concerned about the motivation of the officers and men involved in this task yet he chose to advocate the most dishonorable view toward bringing these criminals under control. Well, if President Jonathan could grant presidential pardon to DSP Alamieyeseigha, a criminal of international repute and convicted for crimes against Nigeria by a competent court in the UK , why then would Ribadiu not demand for Amnesty for Boko Haram? 

The degree of stealing of funds in the public service and its effects on development of infrastructures have been exponentially raised, and therefore, have have cost Nigerians in unquantifiable proportion. Nigerians are paying so much prize in the hands of corrupt and compromised elements in the corridors of power and the time has come to say no. Enough is enough. In addition to these authority robbers are those who use Boko Haram to register their not being happy that a muslim and a Northerner is not the president of Nigeria, so also are those who justify the killings of innocent Igbos and Christians of Nigeria. 

Nuhu Ribadiu must find where to hide his head in shame and rethink of his views and values. He has disqualified himself from the ranks of those who believe and labor for a great Nigeria.The national anthem renders, "The labor of our heros past shall never be in vain". Folks, I want to ask just one question, did the heros labor to have Nigeria delivered into the hands of Boko Haram? Was there any agreement that Nigeria would later become an Islamic Nation with Sharia Laws? Was the labor to annihilate the Igbos of Nigeria? 
If Ribadiu was an Igbo leader, he would never have in his good conscience made this reckless statement. Or was his statement a guise to support the extermination of the Igbos and Christains? Let it be known that Igbo nation will not keep watching the ethnic cleansing being perpetuated by the North using the Boko Haram. Enough is enough! 

The sponsors of Boko Haram would soon realize that they are on the wrong part of history. Igbos may be tolerant but the North and their reluctant leaders must reckon that it might be too late for them to act. 
One thing remains clear, the blood of the Igbos being slaughtered cheaply by Boko Haram are in the hands of those who directly or indirectly engineer this terrorist group. 

Whatever interpretations anyone might give to this write-up let it be clear that the present Nigeria and its setting is not a country the Igbos and their posterity would like to share with the Boko Haram of Northern Nigeria, its sponsors and advocates. - BY Chidinma Onyejiuwa, A consultant, USA.

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**So, if Nigerians had given Ribadiu the key to Aso Rock, he would have granted amnesty to bandits?
** Igbos may be tolerant but the North and their reluctant leaders must reckon that it might be too late for them to act.

Folks, grant me this indulgence to make some remarks on the person of Nuhu Ribadiu. From a distance, I adore and admire Nuhu without coming to terms with the quality of his morality, values and depth of patriotism. 

Did Ribadiu mean amnesty should be granted to Boko Haram sect members? I was not expecting his remarks on the dastardly killing of 60 Nigerians whom he sought their votes in the last election to become their President and commander in Chief to be that of pardoning their killers and giving them amnesty.
Is that what your present engagement in Afghanistan entails, giving amnesty to Afghans killing Afghans? Outrageous! So, if Nigerians had given Ribadiu the key to Aso Rock, he would have granted amnesty to bandits by whatever guise in other to achieve unrealistic political gains. As a seasoned police officer, such utterance is a sabotage against Nigeria and the republic for which she stands. 

The Igbos are on the elimination target of these criminal and terrorists and of course, other Northern interests. If not, why would a police officer with the training, calibre and exposure of Nuhu Ribadiu commit such a blunder? As a trained officer in the act of strategic warfare, I consider Ribadiu's counsel to the Presidency as an invitation to surrender the authority of the entire security apparatus of Nigeria to the perceived superior fire force and assault of Boko Haram against Nigerians. I expected Ribadiu to demand for the review of the operational logistics of the security services involved in containing the activities of these terrorists. He should have been concerned about the motivation of the officers and men involved in this task yet he chose to advocate the most dishonorable view toward bringing these criminals under control. Well, if President Jonathan could grant presidential pardon to DSP Alamieyeseigha, a criminal of international repute and convicted for crimes against Nigeria by a competent court in the UK , why then would Ribadiu not demand for Amnesty for Boko Haram?

The degree of stealing of funds in the public service and its effects on development of infrastructures have been exponentially raised, and therefore, have have cost Nigerians in unquantifiable proportion. Nigerians are paying so much prize in the hands of corrupt and compromised elements in the corridors of power and the time has come to say no. Enough is enough. In addition to these authority robbers are those who use Boko Haram to register their not being happy that a muslim and a Northerner is not the president of Nigeria, so also are those who justify the killings of innocent Igbos and Christians of Nigeria.

Nuhu Ribadiu must find where to hide his head in shame and rethink of his views and values. He has disqualified himself from the ranks of those who believe and labor for a great Nigeria.The national anthem renders, "The labor of our heros past shall never be in vain". Folks, I want to ask just one question, did the heros labor to have Nigeria delivered into the hands of Boko Haram? Was there any agreement that Nigeria would later become an Islamic Nation with Sharia Laws? Was the labor to annihilate the Igbos of Nigeria?
If Ribadiu was an Igbo leader, he would never have in his good conscience made this reckless statement. Or was his statement a guise to support the extermination of the Igbos and Christains? Let it be known that Igbo nation will not keep watching the ethnic cleansing being perpetuated by the North using the Boko Haram. Enough is enough!

The sponsors of Boko Haram would soon realize that they are on the wrong part of history. Igbos may be tolerant but the North and their reluctant leaders must reckon that it might be too late for them to act.
One thing remains clear, the blood of the Igbos being slaughtered cheaply by Boko Haram are in the hands of those who directly or indirectly engineer this terrorist group.

Whatever interpretations anyone might give to this write-up let it be clear that the present Nigeria and its setting is not a country the Igbos and their posterity would like to share with the Boko Haram of Northern Nigeria, its sponsors and advocates. - BY Chidinma Onyejiuwa, A consultant, USA.

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