Monday, April 15, 2013

Venezuela poll: Caracas poised for rival rallies

Venezuela's National Electoral Council is preparing to proclaim Nicolas Maduro the winner of the presidential poll.
Opposition candidate Henrique Capriles, who reportedly lost by a razor-thin margin, has said he will contest the result, citing irregularities.

Mr Capriles has urged his supporters to protest in front of the electoral council in the capital, Caracas, until demands for a recount are met.

The poll was called after President Hugo Chavez died of cancer on 5 March.
Mr Capriles has rejected the election of Mr Chavez's successor as "illegitimate", and has called on the electoral authorities to suspend plans to proclaim Mr Maduro the country's new president.

Mr Capriles said there were more than 300,000 incidents from Sunday's poll that needed to be examined.
He described the stand-off as "a crisis".
While it has agreed to an audit of the electronic counting system, the government is rejecting calls that the ballot boxes be opened for a manual recount.

Monday saw opposition students briefly invade a hotel where international election observers are staying, demanding to know why the vote had been declared free and fair.

Mr Maduro, a former bus driver whom Mr Chavez had named as his preferred heir, won 50.7% of the vote against Mr Capriles' 49.1%.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Cuban leader Raul Castro were among the first heads of state to congratulate Mr Maduro on his win.
But the US has called for an audit of the results.
"This appears an important, prudent and necessary step to ensure that all Venezuelans have confidence in these results," said a White House spokesman.
'Work together' As the news of Mr Maduro's victory emerged on Sunday night, celebrations erupted in Caracas.
Thousands of jubilant supporters took to the streets, dancing, singing and blasting car horns, while fireworks lit up the night sky. Opposition voters banged pots and pans in protest.
Speaking outside the presidential palace, Mr Maduro told crowds that the result was "just, legal and constitutional".
He said his election showed Hugo Chavez "continues to be invincible, that he continues to win battles''. He called for those who had not voted for him to "work together" for the country.
But Mr Maduro's margin of victory was far narrower than that achieved by Chavez at elections last October, when he beat Mr Capriles by more than 10 percentage points.
At Mr Capriles' campaign headquarters the mood was sombre, as his supporters watched the results on television. Some cried, while others hung their heads in dismay,
Shortly afterwards, Mr Capriles emerged, angry and defiant.
"It is the government that has been defeated," he said. Then, addressing Mr Maduro directly, he said: "The biggest loser today is you. The people don't love you.
"Mr Maduro, if you were illegitimate before, now you are more so."
The new president faces an extremely complex task in office, says the BBC's Central America correspondent, Will Grant.
Venezuela has one of the highest rates of inflation in the region and crime rates have soared in recent years, particularly in Caracas. Food shortages and electricity blackouts are also common.
But perhaps Mr Maduro's biggest challenge will be trying to govern a country which is so deeply divided and polarised, and where the opposition say they have an increasingly legitimate stake in the decision-making process, our correspondent says.
Divisive legacy Mr Maduro had been serving as acting president since Mr Chavez died.
He is due to be sworn in on 19 April and serve until January 2019 to complete the six-year term that Mr Chavez would have begun in January.

Mr Chavez was a divisive leader. To his supporters he was the reforming president whose idiosyncratic brand of socialism defeated the political elite and gave hope to the poorest Venezuelans.
He effectively used his country's vast oil reserves to boost Venezuela's international clout, and his strident criticism of the US won him many political allies in Latin America.

However, his political opponents accused him of being an autocrat, intent on building a one-party state.

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