Monday, May 13, 2013

Actress Camilla Mberekpe Returns To TB Joshua's Church After Witchcraft Saga

The story went viral last month that Nollywood actress, Camilla Mberekpe, was delivered of witchcraft spirit by popular pastor, Prophet TB Joshua, at his Synagogue Church in Lagos. Although there were different sides to the story but she was seen in the video making "confessions".

She later went back for thanksgiving after a 'total deliverance'. But there is an update... gathered that the church actually never wanted to publicize her case. And the latest gist is that Camilla was not actually a witch. The thing is this: it seems that her life was being manipulated by an evil force and that made her to go for the said deliverance. And she said she's "free" now!

Here is what an associate of actress Camilla Mberekpe said about her case:
"Camilla never confessed to being a witch. There was an evil spirit that possessed her and it was the evil spirit that spoke through her. That does not make her a witch. You all should go spiritual and see all the things that go on around you. 
"She took herself to church. Witches don't take themselves to church for deliverance. Witches don't operate that way. The evil spirit said, not Camilla said, so please let's understand this before we start calling her a witch."
So lets take it that the lady was not a witch afterall, and leave it that way.

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