Friday, March 27, 2015

Open Letter To Ogbeni Rauf Adesoji Aregbesola By Oyehan I. Adeniyi

With due respect to the office of the Governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, I say; You have failed yourself, failed your party (APC), failed your government, failed our vote, failed the good people of the State of Osun (as you so named it). And you are nothing but a fraud, an impostor.
You have taken our state’s wealth with so much pleasure that you think it is a private fiefdom, which you can do as you please.

I am non-partisan but I supported you and now I’m supporting General Muhammadu Buhari for president, but I fear for him, fear for APC, fear for Nigeria. As you have made us lose confidence in you and the party you represents.
Does it ever cross your mind what the people of Osun are going through presently?

If your son, Kabiru is one of these civil servants, -whose salaries and wages you have decided not to pay but rather donated from their money to your political godfather on his birthday and from it for your son’s wedding ceremony in UAE- would you have owed him? I still remember you winning your election with these civil servants their vote.

To be blunt Ogbeni Aregbesola, I am appalled at your lack of welfare for the people who stood various hours in the sun to ensure their votes count just for you. Your action, both publicly and privately have done nothing to quell the complexity of poverty facing the people of the state of Osun but rather, everything to inflame them. As the number one citizen of the State of Osun, you are to be blamed, and I blame you, we blame you for the suffering you have inflicted on the civil servants honourably serving throughout our state.
Your performance, as the Governor of the State of Osun especially during your last six month clearly highlights your nonchalant attitude towards the welfare of your citizen but after your own purse and that of your party.

So, let’s get this straight sir, at a decisive moment like this, when over 1.3 million patriots from the State of Osun are about giving their vote to your party in this coming presidential election (come next week), you, Ogbeni is only about throwing that votes into your opponents. And on this note I must say, if Buhari should lose that election, then you are one of the reason as you have had the chances to buy our votes which you are losing already.

Your behaviour is unbelievable. You sir, have sacrificed your integrity in the altar of political expediency. You, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola are have but disappointed the people of the State of Osun.
As if that is not enough, what about your abandoned project sir? I really do not know. Is this how much economic meltdown has hit the state, that you cannot afford to complete your road projects, your bridges, your O’schools to mention but few.

In closing sir, I will leave you with this thought; you were given a rare opportunity to lead with integrity during your tenure as the 4th governor of the State of Osun and rather than uphold your integrity, a man of your word, a hero, I am sure you would not instead be a villain with advance false narration.
Your workers have not been paid for over 5 months now and I know as the Governor of the state, you had said Osun state allocation is not being paid. I really do not know when our governor will stop being a liar.
I must emphatically say again; “I am non-partisan, I am not sent, I wrote this for you are affecting my career, my education, my family, my living”.

Pay your civil servants salaries.
Oyehan Ibrahim Adeniyi (Sen. TMC)

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