What the actress shared on her instagram page this morning. Very encouraging. Read below...
As you read this, remember you have a warm bed and a cooked meal at
home. Everyone wants to be happy, so pay attention.
Acknowledge that happiness is not quantified by materialism.
I know many people who are reading this right now aren't happy with
their lives. I used to think that when I have a nice car and a lot of
money I would be happy. Yet on my journey I have met hundreds of people
with all of these things, yet none of the happiness. If your bank
balance outweighs your sense of purpose, or your only sense of purpose
is working to achieve a greater bank balance, you will struggle to find
Some guidelines for happiness I wrote down.
Appreciate what you have, gaining more won't make you happy if you
aren't happy with what you already have.
Live in the moment, don't video everything you see, take it in whilst it
is happening, then relive the memories forever. You were there but
looking at a phone screen...? Give more than you receive, be it your
time, money, gifts, love and laughs. When you give someone your best,
the best comes out of you.
Stop worrying about your future!
Your future is going to happen, it is yours to happen to. If you want
something then work towards it, but make sure you are happy on the way
We are all going to die, concentrate on living.
Don't practice escapism because you are unhappy with your reality, be
real, keep level headed and make sense of your life. Being high or drunk
all the time is a problem, nobody wants to be ill or crazy or both!
Life is a journey not a destination, you never want to get too
comfortable, comfort is where you put on weight, get slow, become bored.
I'm not saying throw yourself out of a plane, but you should try to do
something that scares you now and again.
Don't worry to much what other people are doing, they are on their own
journeys, enjoy yours, try not to compare your behind the scenes life to
someone else's highlight reel.
Bling from the inside out, not the outside in, as it doesn't work the
other way round. What's in your heart and head shines brighter than
what's on your wrist and neck.
Love your work, this will be a big part of your life.
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